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UWC Robert Bosch College

독일  프라이부르크 위치

학생수 200명

(만 16-19세)



3 March 2017

UWC Robert Bosch College는 UWC 도이체 재단과 Robert Bosch 재단의 합작 프로젝트입니다. 독일의 녹색 도시의 표본인 프라이부르크에 위치한 이 곳은 학업과 생활 그리고 건축 등 다양한 측면에서 지속가능성을 강조하고 있습니다. Black Forest 국립 공원과 인접해 있어 다양한 야외 프로그램을 즐길 수 있습니다. 구성원의 다양성 확보를 위해 국무부, Robert Bosch 재단, B. Braun Melsungen AG와 같은 여러 재단 및 개인 기부금으로 전체 학생수의 70%에게 장학금을 제공하고 있습니다.

Three Unique Features

  • Mindfulness - UWC Thailand integrates Social Emotional Learning and Mindfulness into its curriculum, providing each of its community members support in developing key life skills, including self-awareness and management, social awareness and effectiveness, and approaching work in an ethical and effective manner.
  • Marine Environment Conservation - Situated at the foothills of a national park and 10 minutes from the ocean, UWC Thailand is developing a number of island-wide initiatives that aim to conserve the marine environment (mangrove habitat restoration and coral reef monitoring) and encourage sustainable practices (Plastic Free Phuket, community beach and soil clean ups).
  • Experiential Learning - UWC Thailand has a deep commitment to experiential learning, and to making learning engaging and meaningful for all. Students are frequently out on expeditions, day trips and service-led experiences both locally on the island and regionally throughout Thailand - and beyond.
In the Classroom 

Within UWC Thailand’s environment of authentic and targeted differentiation, equal emphasis is placed upon mental and emotional balance, and academic rigour. Students learn how to learn, analyse, think creatively and reach thoughtful conclusions, making it a demanding program that encourages students to the highest levels of academic achievement.

The Nursery program is for students aged 18 months - 3 years old. The Primary Years Program is for students aged 3-12, and the Middle Years Program is for students aged 11-16.

To 16-19 year-olds, UWC Thailand offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) curriculum. Alongside standard courses, the School offers Thai, Russian, Mandarin, Korean, Dutch, Business Management, Psychology, Systems Design, Global Politics and Arts.

Outside the Classroom 

UWC Thailand offers a comprehensive activities program for students of all ages. The activities enable students to explore projects and passions in Service, Creativity, Sports, Social and Culture, and are run during lunchtimes, after school and on weekends. In addition, students embark upon expeditions with their classmates, which focus on adventurous training and push the boundaries of their experiences. The expeditions range from Grade 1 students spending a night in the library, which for some is their first night away from home, to Grade 5 students spending 5 days camping and kayaking around the coast of Phuket. Some grade levels take trips to learn how to sail with their classmates, others work with a regional turtle sanctuary to help protect endangered species. Each grade level focuses on a different expedition each year, with each trip being appropriate for the age it caters for. IBDP students organise their own Project Week, which has a central focus on Service and Community.

Campus and Facilities 

UWC Thailand’s campus is spacious and extensive, and each section is split up into ‘pods’ (Early Childhood, Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary). The boarding house is home to 60 students from grades 7-12, and another is currently being constructed and due to open in January 2018. The school is situated next door to a sports and lifestyle centre, and all community members have access to its excellent sports facilities which include an Olympic sized swimming pool, 500m running track, rugby pitch, tennis courts, volleyball courts and cardio centre.

Geographic Setting 

UWC Thailand is situated in the northern part of the island of Phuket. It is a 20-minute drive to the Sarasin Bridge, which connects Phuket to mainland Thailand. North Phuket’s landscape is a mixture of protected national park, beaches and coastal areas, and rubber plantations with local communities.


UWC Thailand students for nursery, primary and middle schools are admitted through the school’s direct admissions process, which is based on adherence to UWC’s mission and values. Students who wish to attend UWC Thailand in grade 11 and 12 can either apply through their UWC national committee or directly with UWC Thailand. It is UWC Thailand’s policy that no more than 20% of any particular nationality is represented within the community. For more information, visit the website.

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Contact Details

UWC Robert Bosch College
Kartäuserstraße 119
79104 Freiburg

18 Colleges